User-Friendly SharePoint Designs Introduction: When it comes to designing SharePoint sites, user-friendliness is key. SharePoint is a powerful platform for collaboration and content management, but without a well-designed and intuitive interface, users may struggle to navigate and utilize its full potential. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 best practices for creating…
Category: SharePoint Online
Learn how to use SharePoint Online, create sites, share and manage documents, work with calendars, integrate with Outlook and more.
SharePoint is as complex as ever, and if you’ve used earlier versions of SharePoint, you’ll find that in the 2016 and Office 365 “next wave” releases, Microsoft has definitely moved the cheese. The interface is different than it was in earlier versions of SharePoint, and some ways you interact with the software have changed. Or perhaps you are new to SharePoint, or are interested in teasing out the power of SharePoint Online as you work with your team. Note: You could be using one of several different editions of SharePoint. This article is about the Office 365 version of SharePoint, known as SharePoint Online — the one for which you or your company pays a subscription fee and that is run within Microsoft data centers and not by your own IT staff. There is also an on-premises version of SharePoint, currently SharePoint 2016, that runs within your company and isn’t licensed by subscription. (See our cheat sheets for the on-premises versions of SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2010)
The most common use for SharePoint is as a document repository. You and other team members and colleagues can put documents and files all in one specific place, accessible to everyone, and then avoid the all-too-familiar email blasts with Word documents attached. (I would wager that if you never saw another “please disregard the previous message; I’ve attached the correct newest version of the file here” message pass through your inbox, it wouldn’t be too soon.)
Top 10 Underrated Features in SharePoint Online
SharePoint Online is a powerful tool for collaboration and content management, but many users may not be aware of some of its lesser-known features. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top 10 features in SharePoint Online that you may not be aware of, which are also known as Underrated SharePoint Online Features. Underrated SharePoint…
SharePoint Online: Switch Navigation Horizontal or Vertical
SharePoint Online Navigation Changer has finally been launched! The advanced function allows you to change the navigation to vertical (top navigation) or horizontal (left navigation). Previously, only communication sites had horizontal top navigation, and team pages were left with vertical navigation for quick launch. Microsoft has introduced navigation switch options for team sites that allow…
PnP PowerShell to get all Site Collections
Hello Friends,There was a requirement to get all site collections using PnP PowerShell in SharePoint Online. Thus in this post we will see how to get all site collections using PnP PowerShell in SharePoint online. Retrieve all Communication Sites using PnP PowerShell Requirement: Get all Site collections using PnP PowerShell in SharePoint online In this…

Customize SharePoint list forms without PowerApps
Hello Folks,Today in this article we are going to learn about How to customize SharePoint List forms without PowerApps. Customizing the SharePoint List forms is one of the main area for both Developers and business. In earlier versions of SharePoint Online, there are no ways to customize the SharePoint List forms OOTB. To customize it…
SharePoint Online: Identify Current Page is Modern page or Classic page
Hello Friends,Today we are going to explore a very interesting topic. SharePoint Online: Identify Current Page is Modern page or Classic page. We are going to learn How to identify a current page is classic page or a Modern page in sahrepoint online. It is a very easy process in SharePoint online to identify current…
SharePoint Online: Edit Permission Level with CSOM PowerShell
Hello SharePointers,We need to Edit Permission level with CSOM PowerShell in SharePoint Online. SharePoint Online: Edit Permission Level with CSOM PowerShell Actually, we have created a permissions level called “Viewers” in SharePoint online. With this permission level users are able to view items, open and download documents. Now we need to restrict users from Downloading…
Retrieve SharePoint List Items using CSOM
Hello SharePointers,Today, in this article we will see How we can retrieve SharePoint List items using CSOM. Client Side Object Model (CSOM) can be used in both SharePoint Online as well as SharePoint On-Premise environments. Now let us move on our main topic. Requirement Get SharePoint online list items using CSOM. Environment: We have a…
Connect MFA enabled SharePoint site using CSOM
Hello SharePointers,Today we are going to discuss How to connect MFA enabled SharePoint site using CSOM in SharePoint Online. Introduction Usually, we write new scripts and utilities to perform certain tasks or to automate the business process in SharePoint Online. We often implement some tools which always run with particular credentials (usually SharePoint administrator or…