Hello SharePointers,
I hope you must enjoyed our previous blog on the Required toolchain to build SPFX web parts and extensions. Now in this article, we will learn to create an SPFX web part and access Microsoft teams into it.
SharePoint Framework: SPFX is a framework that helps you to build custom apps for your SharePoint modern sites and let you integrate them on classic site as well.
Why SharePoint Framework?
- The controls are responsive and accessible by Nature.
- Users can use any javascript framework like React, Angular, TypeScript, Handlebar and many more.
- Users can use client development tools like npm. Yeoman, gulp, webpack, etc.
Now as we know what SharePoint Framework is, let us see what Microsoft Teams is.
Microsoft Teams:
Microsoft Teams is a communication tool that helps members of an organization to communicate effectively with conversational tabs. Easily schedule meetings, record calls and upload them on Microsoft Streams for later use.
- Visual Studio Code Installed
- Node version 8.11.3
- Gulp and Yeoman installed globally
Let’s Start;
Inside the command prompt create your project folder and switch to it.
then type below command in your terminal
"yo @microsoft/sharepoint",
This will prompt you with questions like,
- What is your Solution name? <“give your solution name here”>
- Which baseline packages do you want to target for your compinents? SharePoint Online
- Where do you want to place the files? Use Current folder
- Do you want to allow the tenant admin the choice of being able to deploy the solution to all sites without running any feature deployments or adding any apps to a site? Yes
- Will the components of the solution require permission to access web APIs that are unique and not shared with other components in a tenant? Yes
- Which type of client-side component to create? Webpart
- What is your web part name? TeamsInSP
- What is your web part description? TeamsInSP Description
- Which Framework would you like to use? React
Now, after all this please wait for some time yeoman will create a solution structure and gives you a confirmation message.
Run “gulp serve” and check if your local host pops up.
now navigate to “https://yourtenant.sharepoint.com/layouts/15/workbench.aspx” search name of your web part and add it.
after you’ve added your web part successfully, Now we can use Microsoft Graph API.
Microsoft Graph API: using Microsoft Graph API you can access the data of users present in Microsoft cloud.
Endpoint URL: https://graph.microsoft.com
We have used pnp/graph to call graph rest service.
before proceeding with the code, let’s check if the rest services workes properly.
for this, go to https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/graph-explorer“
make sure to sign in with your office 365 account
Run a sample query to fetch all the MS Teams that you are connected by typing below URI.
It will list all MS Teams of yours.
Troubleshooting the Errors in Response
If you receive a 403 status code in response then don’t panic, just check the Graph API Permissions.
Enable below permissions and Approve.
- User.Read.All
- User.ReadWrite.All
- Group.Read.All
- Group.ReadWrite.All
Run a query again and now you will see a full response.
Now as our API is working fine, Let’s go ahead and integrate it with our SPFX.
TO Use Graph API in SPFX , run below command
“npm install @pnp/graph –serve”
Move to your <solution name>webparts.ts file and import the library into your application, Update OnInit function and access the root SP object in render
import { graph } from "@pnp/graph";
export interface ITeamsInSpWebPartProps {
description: string;
export default class TeamsInSpWebPart extends BaseClientSideWebPart<ITeamsInSpWebPartProps> {
public onInit(): Promise<void> {
return super.onInit().then(_ => {
spfxContext: this.context
Now modify the render method to get all the teams and add another Batching function to loop through each teams properties and get its webUrl for redirection.
public async render(): Promise<void> {
let array = [];
const myJoinedTeams = await graph.me.joinedTeams.get();
this.domElement.innerHTML = `Loading...`;
myJoinedTeams.map((res) => {
this.domElement.innerHTML = `Groups: <ul>${
res.map(g =>
`<li><a href='${g.webUrl}'>${g.displayName}</a></li>`
private async Batching(ID) {
const team = await graph.teams.getById(`${ID}`).get();
return team;
if you switch to your workbench.aspx you can see a list of your teams being rendered on the DOM, oh click of each will take you to a particular team.
Hey, Congratulations 🙂 , we have got all our teams in SPFX. We will customize it to look more pleasant. Add a little bit of CSS to do a Magic.
So far, we are running our application locally at “https://<tenant>.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/workbench.aspx”, to move this to Production
Step1. go to your Package-Solution.json file inside config folder and insert the following piece of code.
"webApiPermissionRequests": [
"resource": "Microsoft Graph",
"scope": "User.Read.All"
"resource": "Microsoft Graph",
"resource": "Microsoft Graph",
"scope": "Group.Read.All"
"resource": "Microsoft Graph",
These are the permissions enabled organization wide for our application to work properly.
Step2. do a “Gulp bundle –ship“
Step3. And Finally, run “gulp package-solution –ship“
You can upload the .sppkg file inside Sharepoint/solution folder to your app catalog.
Before adding this webpart to any site, switch to
“https://<yourtenant>-admin.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/online/AdminHome.aspx#/home” and click API Management
You can see the permissions that is required for our application in the being listed under “Pending Approvals”
Approve them and just add a webpart to your modern site and just play with it.
Congrats, We have successfully integrated our SPFX webpart with MS Teams.
The Complete solution looks like this.
you can refer to this git hub article for specific API service according to your requirements.
For more such tutorials Please visit SharePoint Gems
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